Friday, April 8, 2011


I woke up this morning laughing. I dreamed that Danielle was in my bathroom, and there was something wrong with her. I asked if I could help, but she wouldn't let me. She then told me that she had to put on some kind of oinment on her asshole, and then showed me the ointment. It was a bottle of fucking glue. I laughed my ass off, thinking, "Ohmigawd, she must be uber high right now or something." No wonder she was so damn constipated! I had to go somewhere else to finish laughing so that I could help her out in a more mature way--she wasn't laughing about it, and for some reason, I felt like laughing at her plastered misery wouldn't help. My brushes have been disappearing from my bathroom, so I dreamt that I found them again--only they were in the posession of some strange cat-man and were covered in blood. He might have explained why he had them and why they were so bloody, but I don't remember.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


There were trucks, and a man holding my hand. He may have looked like Gene Wilder. I felt like I was about 8-12 years old. I had a bag on my shoulder. We were walking down a highway towards this truck. Then we saw a big marquee sign with a W on it pointing to some sort of convention off the highway. We ran towards it. I had a hard time running because of the bag on my shoulder, but we got there.

There was my nana, my aunt, and their roach coach.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The night before, I dreamt that my hermit crab, Julio, was gigantic. For a hermit crab, that is. He was about ten or so inches across , as far as the shell goes. Josh dropped him and the shell split in half. I saw Julio lying still and thought it was dead, so I began to cry. I poked him to make sure if it was dead. He began to crawl around, so I felt better. But I had to find a new shell for him. I didn't know of any shells that I had that would fit him.

Somehow, I did find a big enough shell, and Son was showing Julio a new, bigger cage for him to crawl around him. I almost swore I could see a little heart floating over his head.

We were at the pet store, and along with the bigger glass cage, Son got a tall and thin cage made of glass. Apparently, it was made for birds. Who puts birds in a glass cage, I wondered? Then I saw the cutest little brown owls any eye ever did see. They were so tiny, they could fit inside of a coffee mug or teacup. I held one in my hand, and it just chilled, looking around with it's big gold eyes. Apparently, it enjoyed being called a predator. It was a predator, after all.

Last night, I dreamt of many things, but most of all, I saw a pair of snakes in equal size and color. They were anacondas. One snake ate the other, and I felt bad for the snake being eaten. Inside the other one, it thrashed about, trying to live, suffocating and being digested at the same time. It was sad.