Thursday, September 16, 2010


I am a Pokemon trainer. I also climb fences and do wallflips. 8D

But I am with Ethan (the HG/SS dude) and we're trying to save Celebi from these three snotty kids. First, I'm thinking, "How in the world is Celebi getting owned by these kids?" and second I'm like, "These jerks used to be my friends! What happened?"

So, we get to save Celebi at some point (I think I have Celebi on my back, in my backpack or something) and we escape. I think my partner Pokemon is Milotic (I do have a Milotic, by the way, her name is Mildred and when she was about level 30 she totally kicked this level 50 grass-type's ass and I love her for it), but then I'm thinking Aipom would be better to have out chilling with me because I'm running around climbing fences.

Suddenly, Pokemon dun exist anymore. Ethan and me and the three snotty kids are all hanging out by this trench and I'm like, "Remember when we were like 12 and we dug up this trench? That was so much fun!" And then we go running around the neighborhood, sneaking into people's backyards n shit.

This neighborhood, while the houses are small, they're really nice. Like modern-victiorian style decorated nice. We end up in Erica's backyard, and we're watching something going on in her living room, like a teaching about how to be "ladies" and "ladylike". I see Danielle there in some weird dress and I can tell she absolutely hates it. We giggle at how stupid the lady teaching them looks. Bridget and Stef are there too. They see us through the window and tell us something like, "Oh yeah, Danielle's hating this." But it's not like she has to be there. Or does she? I don't know. We try to sneak out through Erica's window (which faces the front of the house) and I hope we don't get caught. I run quite a ways away, and ask the last person, "Did you close the window?"


So I go and do it myself. As I finish up, someone (I think who's blonde but not Erica) comes out of the house to try and identify us. I run away and we all go hide in this awesome place.

It's like a forest, but where there is just one HUGE tree. I mean, this this is freakin' COLOSSAL. The roots extend and crawl over the ground and the tree boughs, while they're really tall, cover a HUGE area. The roots come up a hill all steep-like so that we have to scoot all the way down to the base of the tree. There are some weird ladder-things there that are chained to nails in the roots, but I know that they're not made for supporting people climbing up or down--so I instruct everyone to be careful as they're climbing.

We don't get down all the way. I wake up.


  1. That's kind of random, and, speaking of climbing walls, I found out yesterday that ASU has parkour classes. I was like, "Say wut?!!" But they began in September, so if I were to even try there, it'd have to be next semester.


    And whoa! Since when did your profile pic change? Who is it of now? And, wait, who WAS it of?

    Letters K, M, and X ftw. You make me wanna make a bio now D:


    And that pic is me, a small 50x50 that I photoshopped and cropped and all. It's like, my sophomore year and we're at retreat. 8D

    I like the letters L, J and Z mostly because of how they're written in cursive (in capitals), but also how they flow on the tongue and how often they appear in names. I like L names and J names and names with Z or X in them. I guess I kinda liek X, too. 8D X is pronouced as Z sometimes, which makes it unique, or maybe not so unique?

  4. L's and J's are my least favorite cursive letters to make. (Z's and X's are okay, though.)

    Best cursive letters: Y, G, and S. Y's and G's cuz they have little tails I can drag across the page, and S's cuz I don't even bother making them cursive---I just sort of draw a tail along the middle of the letter.

    Actually, I think A LOT of letters I don't write out in cursive---I just make them print, but fancy xD

  5. It takes alot longer for me to write in cursive than in print, so I don't do it often, and when I do, it looks like shat. What you learn in 3rd grade doesn't often carry on into 12th. >.<
