Friday, July 23, 2010


I can only remember bits and pieces of it.

I was a woman who was a potential rape victim of one of her husband/boyfriend's friends. I tried to shut my door on him as I entered the house, but somehow he had gotten ahold of my key. I just sat there and tried to keep locking the door on him. Finally I gave up but he didn't come in...

Then I was in a mall-type place where I was scheduled to fight my potential rapist. I was in this weird white cage, wearing a kickboxer's armor and boxer's gloves. The rapist guy, not at all intent on raping me anymore, stared at me from the top of the cage. I don't know why. He was probably just being weird. But the people in charge of the fight/place told him to get off, because he wasn't allowed on it or to even see me before the fight...

Now I am no longer a woman but my teenage self. I am in the glass box where a competition of some sort is supposed to go on. I am not on a team but the people opposing me are. There is about three or four of them--one I recognise as Odd Della Robbia from Code Lyoko. The referee tells us to get ready because the case is going to fill up with water. I say, "Can't it wait? I have to get this baby out of this case first!" But it's out of his hands, and he can't help me. So I look back at the little baby black boy, just chilling on the ground, with some sort of weird tube apparatus poking out of his mouth.

The glass bowl fills up. The baby boy doesn't have long to live. I don't remember the point of the competition, but it has to deal with us grabbing these huge harpoons. Odd and I fight for the harpoon. Eventually I grab it and take it to the glass door. With one strong heave, I spear the center of the door and pull it back towards me. The water leaks out of the door and then completely busts it. I take the baby, pull the tube out of his mouth, and he coughs up water. I turn him over on his stomach so that he can continue to expel water. Along with water, vomit comes out of his mouth. It makes me want to puke.


  1. I really like how you never dream about people from real life. I almost feel boring, actually---like my mind can't think of anything better than re-hashing figures I see every day, then turning them into symbols that it calls unique *rolls eyes*

    I also feel like, for some reason, this is the most symbolic of your dreams; at least, it's the one that a dream dictionary might have the most info for.

    Last year, for my birthday, I got a bunch of dream dictionaries, but I never used them until this summer. Most of the time, I feel like the dictionaries are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and don't understand my unique life circumstances that're causing me to dream what I'm dreaming; I feel like I better interpret my dreams, than the book does.


    I should start a dream dictionary interpretation blog or section. But then, that might be embarrassing---most of the time, posting my dreams is embarrassing enough---I worry that people'll find embarrassing symbols in mine D:

  2. I do sometimes dream about people in real life. I just haven't done it since I started this blog. AND the only ones that are really memorable have anime characters in it, or are just plain weird. xD

    I have no idea what a dream dictionary is--maybe I should look it up? You should definetly make your own and interpret your own dreams. Usually, they're just nonsense anyway. But it's fun to try to find some kind of meaning in it. xD

  3. Dream dictionaries are only THE most pointless things on this planet! (Well, the ones I've seen are, anyway.)

    The book-kind are the worst, though. At least, when you're online, it'll redirect you to a page, like, "Did you mean this?!"

    When flipping through a physical dream dictionary, for example, if you're looking for penguins, and search "penguin," you may not find what you're looking for. So, you try "bird," only to find that there IS no bird entry. Then, you try "animal," and, lo and behold, under "animal," there's a listing of birds, but no penguins! GREAT! A whole bunch of time wasted for nothing!

    (Sorry if I sound at all like I'm angrily rambling tonight, but ughhh, this guy from my online class was being such an ignorant jerkface D:<<<)

    Ahem, on a more peaceful note, using a dream dictionary, at least a few times, is interesting---it shows you how other people interpret dream symbols. I really feel like I've gotten THEIR definitions down, even though I don't always agree with them ^^U

  4. Yeah, I looked up a dream dictionary and the word "rape" and it suggested, "if you dream you are being raped..." and "if you see someone else being raped..." but no "if you are ALMOST raped..." I think we should either join a dream dictionary site and put in our own interpretations or just make our own, because seriously, what does "almost raped" mean?

    Haha, yeah, I dunno what I'd interpret for penguins. Penguins are, I guess, creatures of ice and water. And they are flightless birds. So I guess by you protecting them, you may see yourself as a protector of those who cannot protect themselves (penguins are on the bottom of the food chain, pretty much. they don't try to fight a predator but instead just run/swim away).

    But there's my two cents. xD

  5. Today, I went to TONS of bookstores (okay, maybe like two), and saw TONS of dream dictionaries (no, fer srs, this time XD)---it reminded me of you.

    I also saw THE coolest dream dictionary---it wasn't one that interpreted what your dreams are about; it was one that interpreted what your FUTURE is going to be about, like everyone's a psychic or somethin'!

    I almost got it, then I decided, "Nahhh, I want tarot cards, instead."

    So, I got 'em!

    Even though I don't believe in tarot card fortune tellings, I think that the cards look frickin awesome and the symbols would be extremely interesting in literature.

    And wait, ha, I'm totally off topic, in regards to your comment made on yer blog XD

    I think it'd be cooler to start our own dream dictionary meanings, though I dunno how we'd ever organize them. Plus, it'd take FOREVER to ever gather as many words/subjects/symbols that we need. Buttt, it'd be so much cooolah!

    I also like how you interpreted my penguin dream to have positive connotations. I'd thought that the penguins were these completely useless things, and that *I* was the penguins, tied down and trapped. I'd never seen myself as the protector/strong, till you'd said that ^3^

  6. Penguins are not useless. They are part of the grand tapestry. 8D It's when Tasmanian Tigers and Dodo birds starten going extinct that the world started to turn into the place it is now. I mean, It's always sucked (except for those times when Adam and Eve were hangin in the garden) but when species started dying out, it's liek, OH NOEZ WE'RE ALL GUNNA MAKE URTH INTO HELL. But people dun even realize eet. u.u

    Tarot cards are pretty cool--except for the whole voodoo witch magic stuff. I like the artwork they print on tarot cards, they're soo kewl. 8D Have you read the Tarot Cafe? It's a thai or vietnamese manga, not very popular, but I liekz eet. 83 It's about this chick who is "cursed" with a drop of dragon's blood so that she becomes immortal, but the dragon who gave her the drop was also her lover and he died, so all she wants is to be dead with him. But she can't dieeeee. u.u DUN DUN DUNNN! Enter Belus, king of demons, to make her a deal. She has to collect all of the scattered pieces of this necklace that, while scattered is powerless, together it is SUPAR POWERFALL. So hopefully the power of this necklace will kill her. The whole manga is centered around this chick collecting the pieces from spirits and things all over the world. 8D I LUVS EET but I've only real like 2 volumes. u.u

    I wanna go to a bookstore so baad. >.< But I haveth no money so it would be a waste. D8

  7. I've never heard of that manga, no. I'll have to read it now XD

    And, yeah, I think the tarot card art is so frickin kick-ass, especially when it's all dark and old-fashioned style. It makes it seem much more ominous.

    I got the shojo anime style tarot cards yesterday, though, cuz I was scared to scare myself---I figured, after I get used to the cards, I can pick up more decks later, anyway, if I really decide I like tarot.

    Today, I used the cards, in a variety of styles. (Yeah, apparently, there's a bunch of ways to arrange the cards, to tell your fortune for different reasons, like you can arrange them all complicated for complicated questions, or only use the Major cards.)

    After reading the instruction booklet, I was surprised to find out that you're supposed to "treat the cards with respect," and keep them in a 'lil silk bag and all. I was like, "BUT I DON'T HAVE SILK BAG!" D:<<

    I realized I was really getting sucked into the cards---I was treating them with more respect than I give my old Bible. (Which, by the way, I keep in a silky Spiderman book cover.)

    When I was a freshman, I was extremely bitter that I had to go to a Christian school, so, to disgrace the Bible, I wrapped it in the Spiderman cover. As time went on, though, the Bible just seemed pretty lonely without the cover, so I left it. Now, it's pretty much there for decoration, and, well, it HAS done it's job of protecting the Bible---it still looks brand new underneath! (Er, unless that's cuz I never use it >.>)

    I'm getting a bit worried, honestly. My birthday's in August, and I'm reading over my birthday wish list and realizing how totally un-Christian it is. I'm requesting more tarot card interpretation things, sacred geometry books, Marilyn Manson music, and more.

    (Omg, if you've never seen sacred geometry, even if you don't believe in it, you haaaave to see it sometime! The art is so beautiful/intricate! And, honestly, I'm a bit confused as to whether sacred geometry proves Christianity right or wrong---I've seen a book, before, that shows how there's "sacred geometry" everywhere in the world and proves that there was an intelligent designer, aka God. Then, there's the sacred geometry cards that tell fortunes, as if there isn't a God. I'm so confused!!!)

    As you can see, yeah, that whole magic deal doesn't scare me. In a way, I think it's actually cool, and, again, I'm worried I'm getting sucked into it. Save meh!!!!

  8. Well, I dunno how to help you get back into christian stuff cuz frankly I don't see it as very interesting either. Unless you read into some historical fiction. And those books by those authors who make the bible alot cooler than when you read it by yourself. They emphasize certain parts of the story and say, "well, this could mean this, which would mean that, but ultimately this happened and this is that." xD And food for thought, if the bible were a movie, it would be X-rated.

    ALSO there are two volumes of a biblical comic written by a man named Bryan Kilgore (or Brian Kilgore, not sure how exactly its spelled). He goes to my church. The comic is called Logos, and it's all stories and verses in the bible interpreted into comic/manga form. I've talked to the author--he's a cool guy. Paints and draws his own stuff. Written a comic about some kids with their hamsters, but it didn't fly because a man who knew his stuff once told me "nobody wants to read about hamsters". DUDE I WANNA READ ABOUT HAMPSTURS. T^T Anyway, check it out. It's really cool stuff. 8D

  9. It would be X-rated, yeah---ha, when I was a bitter, angry freshman, I really enjoyed the "bad" parts of the Bible. I liked when it talked about sex or rape or murder or stealing or whatever.

    When I was a freshman, in career ed, I was asked to choose my favorite Bible verse, but, cuz I'd never gone to a Christian school before, let alone opened a Bible, I had no idea what my favorite verse was! I turned to a random page, and saw Proverbs 26:11: "Like a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." I immediately fell in love with it, cuz it talked about vomit---it seemed inappropriate, to be in a Christian book. I dunno, it's always stuck out to me; it reminds me of my days as a freshman, yet, how now I see the truth in that verse. Sooo, I made it my senior Bible verse :D

    Anyway, as for the "Biblical comic thing," ya! There's this pretty cool book, "Black" by Ted Dekker. When I was a freshman, Kara Batdorf got me into it. Dunno, I think she had a friend who worked at a Christian bookstore, so he got free books and she gave it to me.

    Anyway! "Black"'s really cool, if you ever decide to read it. It's a lot like Inception or the Matrix; it's also a bit like "Idlewild," by Nick Sagan, which I'd mentioned to you earlier. It's got action and it really makes you think :3


    There's actually this hamster series I read when I was younger---"The Golden Hamster Saga" by Dietlof Rieche and Joe Cepeda. The other day, I saw an edition of The Golden Hamster Saga that I'd never seen before, and I felt like I had to pickz the book up and read it!

    And wait, random, but why did you get sent to PCHS, if you'd gone to public skewl your whole life?

  10. Mah parents wanted us to go to a christian school. They've been told by my brother's counselor that it's a waste of their money. All I have to say is, "Go carol." 8D I would burn the school in a heartbeat if it weren't for CW class and a huge price on my head in the future as well as years in a mental asylum, I would burn the damned place down. xD

    BUT THAT PROVERBS VERSE IS THE SHIT. I've never heard about the bible talk about that stuff before, and that's rad. I didn't think that it was natural nature for a dog to return to its vomit. I always thought my dogs were just stupid. xD But I guess all dogs must be stupid because they are compared with a fool returning to his folly. 8D

    I've heard about Ted Dekker. Dunno if I really wanna read it. Maybe I'll pick up a volume and check it out. 8D

    Speakin of rodents, have you heard/read about the Redwall series?

  11. That's funny, kind of.

    Independence, the school that I would have gone to, said that I lived too far away to attend their school, even though my elementary/middle school were just down the road from the hs. Anyway, I guess that got my dad pretty worried---it made him start considering my hs options more. One day, he came home with a bunch of printouts and announced, "You're going to private school!" I thought it was a joke, cuz, srsly, HIM spend money on ME?!

    For the longest time, he kept saying he wouldn't be able to afford it and that he'd drop me. I always hoped he would---when I was an underclassman, I did, anyway.

    And wait, who's Carol? Your brother sees a counselor?

    And, yeah---Black is the only Ted Dekker book that I've seen that's worth reading. I tried getting into Red and White (parts 2 and 3 of the 4-part series), buttt, they were kind of like reading the actual Bible. Thousands of years would pass, they'd be at war, and people would have babies/form families. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH >.>

  12. I just thought of Juno for that little bit thar--"go carol". Really, I don't know her name. I think it's carol, but who knows? >.<
